2020 – New York’s New Paid Sick Leave Law

Compliance Might Be Difficult The New Law The new law[1] obligates many, if not most, small[2] New York State employers to provide forty hours (i.e. 5 days) paid sick leave. Those employers must commence providing such sick leave effective January 1, 2021[3]. Like many new laws, the legislators did not work out all the kinks…

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Joseph Lichter

Joseph Lichter is a corporate attorney with more than 20 years of experience. He specializes in transactional and other business matters, including preparation and negotiation of contracts, sales of businesses and loan instruments. He also specializes in the complex field of life insurance transactions, with extensive experience in premium finance transactions and life settlements. Mr.…

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S. Timothy Ball

S. Timothy Ball is an attorney with decades experience at law firms in the New York Metropolitan area. His practice centers on advising and representing individuals, as well as closely held businesses and the owners of those businesses, in connection with a broad range of tax, business and family matters. He has authored numerous articles,…

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Timothy P. Fisher

Timothy Fisher

Timothy P. Fisher has been Counsel to Richard H. Waxman, P.C. and its predecessors since 1990. He is a business and tax lawyer with more than 30 years experience in the New York Metropolitan area. His practice centers on advising the owners of closely held companies and professional practices in matters of taxation and corporate law…

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Richard H. Waxman

Richard H. Waxman is a business lawyer with decades’ experience in law firms in the New York Metropolitan area and south Florida. He advises and represents successful closely held businesses, and the owners of those businesses, in connection with a broad range of business matters, including employment law matters. His areas of legal expertise are…

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2020 – Employee Practices Liability Insurance

EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES LIABILITY INSURANCE (EPLI) A Virtual Necessity in Today’s Business Environment The recent “onslaught” of employee legal claims against employers has led to concerted efforts by employers and others to address the risk of employee claims and lawsuits. Those efforts are manifested in many ways, including insurance coverage through a product known as Employment…

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2019 – Employee Manual Newsletter

Q. WHY SHOULD A SMALL EMPLOYER ADOPT AN EMPLOYEE MANUAL FOR ITS WORKERS? A. THE ANSWERS ARE IN THIS NEWSLETTER A CPA friend recently asked us to provide a brief summary of why a small employer should retain our law firm to help it adopt “an Employee Manual[1] that is right for its business…and what…

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Requirements Effective October 9, 2018 THIS ALERT IS FOR OUR MANY CLIENTS THAT HAVE ADOPTED EMPLOYEE MANUALS WITH OUR ASSISTANCE. The “me too” movement has spurred the recent passage of sexual harassment prevention laws by both New York State and New York City. The NYS law becomes effective in stages, and the first part of…

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2018 – New York Wage Theft Prevention Act

NEW YORK WAGE THEFT PREVENTION ACT New York Labor Law section known as the Wage Theft Prevention Act (“WTPA”)[1] requires employers to give written notice to each employee at the following times: To a new hire “at the time of hiring” and To any employee that has a change in pay rate and/or other designated…

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Arbitration is an adjudication process that may not be well understood by many business people. While it is generally intended to be a cost efficient, expeditious and less combative alternative to court litigation, this is not always the case. However, a knowledgeable attorney can analyze a situation to determine (a) when the inclusion of a mandatory arbitration clause will best serve the client’s interests and (b) how to shape the arbitration clause to foster expeditious dispute resolution on a cost-efficient basis.

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